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Monday, February 23, 2009

能天使 EXIA 25%

打开 Unpack...

组装 Simply essembled...

参考 Get some ideas from this site

在电脑测试构思 Tried some idea on photoshop...

改装任务开始 Mission started...

护肩改装 Modified on shoulder protector...

能天使"耳朵"增长与削件尖天线 done some extension on the exia "ears", and sharpen the antenna...

利用塑胶板增长如此大的范围, 应该是错误的示范吧 a bit crazy using pla plate to do shaping, but the result still acceptable i think...

本身蛮喜欢这构思, 不过那支东西有点突然 i like the shield slot on GN drive, just look weird when take off, coz the "stick" on the GN drive is too...

预览 preview of my idea...

加入塑胶板与AB补土 putting some pla plates & epoxy

原装与改造后的分别 comparison

一些改造部位放大图 close up of mod parts
-颈部, 腰部与背包增扩some extension on neck, waist, backpack
-塑胶板增加机械设计 some pla plates to enrich the body design
-在手臂与护膝刻线 rescribing panel lines on arms, back pack & knee protector

喷过水补土后出现一些缺陷, 必须再补过后再磨平 just need some touch up on bubble holes & small seams after spray surfacer


  1. Everything looks damn cool.


    You know what I'm about to say... :D

    The ali baba shoes! Chop off the front PLSSSS~!!!!!!

  2. =.="... considering la... grrrr chop ur head!
