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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

能天使 EXIA 100%

最后改装的一个部分 finally~ the last part to mod...

a ) No.80 钴蓝色 Cobalt Blue
b ) No.174 萤光粉红色 Fluorescent pink - 喷上薄薄的一层 very light layer on top

巨剑还没决定颜色 the huge blade t not yet decide color, and the next step is masking...

a ) 遮盖 masking
b ) 灰色零件利用田宫珐琅漆X-1渗入黑线, 而白色零件利用田宫珐琅漆XF-19 渗入灰线 grey parts using Tamiya enamel paint X-1 black for lining, and white parts using Tamiya enamel paint XF-19 sky grey

A) 透明零件内侧第一层 inner - layer1: 田宫珐琅漆X-25透明青 / Tamiya enamel paint X-25 clear green
B) 透明零件内侧第二层 inner - layer2: Mr.Color no.8 银 / Mr.Color no.8 silver
C) 透明零件外侧 front: 图内左边是喷上Mr.Color no.101烟灰色做阴影 Mr.Color no.101 smoke grey for shadow, left image with shadow
E) 尝试把Mr.Color no.101烟灰色喷在Mr.Color no.8银上, 因喷得太浓, 金属效果不佳. Mr.Color no.101 smoke grey on Mr.Color no.8 silver (i spray too can't really bring out the metalic effect =.='')

完成! 更多完成图在下个帖子! 100% completed! pls check out more images at next post!

1 comment:

  1. why you update your blog so slow eh? Pictures are all over the forums already!

    Hehe. Good job buddy!
