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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Came out some color scheme for my client to choose...
D & H is my choice... wat abt u? heh

Option A - Keita's color scheme

Option B - Evil look with white funnels

Option C - Red funnels scheme

Option D - Overdrive mode concept

Option E - Shining devil

Option F - Amatsu gundam scheme

Option G - Silver innerframe scheme

Option H - Godly Strike Freedom


  1. Hey! H pls! But hor, as I've mentioned in ZeroG. Add in one more small portion of color into it for highlight. If you look at Keita's color scheme, he got black, white, red (small portion) and gold. "H" color scheme got black, gold, white and a little bit of gray (I think). Gray very near to black. If got another bright color added in, just think it would bring out the kit more. Just my opinion la. Of coz it depends on your client's preference also. hehe! GAMBATE~!!

  2. will develope the color scheme once client decide ;) thx poc poc & ju ju

  3. D for Donkey!!!!!

