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Monday, May 24, 2010

PG 00 RAISER - 03

Finally is about the end of Perfect Grade process, my blog is going to be alive again a soon, lol

some detailing i applied on it

deepen the panel line

trans-am raiser color scheme, looks Cyclone Joker!!!

washed and ready to AB

this is how i masked the GN drive, was trying to open & separate it to AB, but seems quite complicated.

quite satisfied with this part of masking ^^

00 Gundam Front View (sorry no posing so far, wan to reduce the paint scratch)

00 Gundam Rear View

0 Raiser Top View

0 Raiser Bottom View

GN Sword III

GN Sword II


Working on the extra armor now...


  1. 哇佬...老大...強到....
    受教了,謝謝!m(_ _)m

  2. 因为我想把线弄阔点,呵呵

  3. Ah next time i'll try that out for the panel lines :D Can't wait to see the end product!

  4. hey chubby, yes u can try to rescribe panel line using this method, just keep in mind be patient, concentrate & hand steady! ^^ btw, if not mistaken u preparing ur wedding now?

  5. Just wondering what colours did you use for the white and blue armour pieces and the inner frame.
