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Sunday, June 13, 2010


this is actually outdated post, as this event alreaady ended on 10/06/2010 (thursday)
below is my happy trip with my gunpla buddies (Julius & Justin) from Penang! all photo provided by Julius

i'm the driver GO & BACK...

taste it, nice french toast...

wide angle lens make Justin face become BIG PIECE, anyway thx for the treat from Phoon, paiseh la, 1st time meet up u belanja...

unexpected prize! can't believe OOB kit can get the 2nd prize, i think i have to reset my mind today...

group photo...zzz

back from stage...

photo with phoon & justin

Rayloke making cute face...

from left, Zero1st, Rayloke, Davidlim, Honeymike & Kirin

from left, Act cool Julius, Phoon & Genosider

Rayloke missing something?

ZeroG Gang!

Distorted face of NeoSigma

from left, Toon, Pakfoo & alphaleo14

ROCK! mountrev taking photo of my 00 raiser.

siao ar?

sembang with Sammy while keeping my 00 raiser

i didn't notice this...

ready to tabao (take away/packing) go home!

for more photo of competition entries, pls visit ZEROG FORUM

to be continue...